I haven’t had a time of worship like this in a while. This is because of the safe environment HIM creates, allowing His Presence to move, the way He wants to.

It was very encouraging and refreshing to gather and worship with a big group of believers from different traditions.

It’s helping me to heal from trauma and the loss of my daughter. It’s helping my husband and I to work on our marriage.

       Reminded of the importance and power of ONE body of Christ and ONE Spirit. God doesn’t see one church, but He sees Jesus.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this conference and the time to worship as a body of Christ, to experience His Spirit, in unity, is amazing

During worship I can praise God in a different way but still feel connected. 

Attending this conference in the midst of a new season where I am letting go of my old habits and self!  It was affirmed here at this conference.

I’ve been in a spiritual wilderness for the last two years, and I felt called to come to the the last.     

I so needed renewal.
Thank you.

       Being surrounded by worshipping believers is so powerful. I received tools to stay focused on Jesus and have a renewed refreshment in my faith walk.

I’ve been growing closer to the Lord recently. I grew up in the church, but He recently has given freedom in areas I’ve been struggling for over a decade. This conference has spurred me on.

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I haven’t had a time of worship like this in a while. This is because of the safe environment HIM creates, allowing His Presence to move, the way He wants to.

It was very encouraging and refreshing to gather and worship with a big group of believers from different traditions.

It’s helping me to heal from trauma and the loss of my daughter. It’s helping my husband and I to work on our marriage.

       Reminded of the importance and power of ONE body of Christ and ONE Spirit. God doesn’t see one church, but He sees Jesus.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this conference and the time to worship as a body of Christ, to experience His Spirit, in unity, is amazing

During worship I can praise God in a different way but still feel connected. 

Attending this conference in the midst of a new season where I am letting go of my old habits and self!  It was affirmed here at this conference.

I’ve been in a spiritual wilderness for the last two years, and I felt called to come to the the last.     

I so needed renewal.
Thank you.

       Being surrounded by worshipping believers is so powerful. I received tools to stay focused on Jesus and have a renewed refreshment in my faith walk.

I’ve been growing closer to the Lord recently. I grew up in the church, but He recently has given freedom in areas I’ve been struggling for over a decade. This conference has spurred me on.